Someone please give Mike Bloomberg one of the taller cans of Red Bull on his way to the Democratic debate tonight. Of all the people left in the race for the nomination, he is the only one that stands even a remote chance of defeating Donald Trump in the November presidential elections. He has the resources, the big city experience and the name. The one thing that I wondered about was his personality.
If you want to debate Trump, you have to be capable of the same level of audacity as the President. That’s a tall task for the rest of us mere mortals. Bloomberg is a self made man, Trump is not necessarily. Based on his performance at his first debate, Mike is asleep at the wheel. He was clearly unprepared and showed no emotion. It was almost like he expected the rest of the group to appease him. He faded into to the background at times. He’s not going to be able to hide when only he and the President grace the stage, if he is even lucky enough to get to that point.